
Friday 9 August 2019

Gift Card Tutorial 2019 with Bin

Gift Card Tutorial 

Step 1:GET UK/Canada/Germany non Vbv zip/state cc (Working Bins above)

Step 2: Setup your system(ccleaner, Mac address changer, flush dns through cmd, socks matching cc address zip, change timezone and keyboard language to socks IP location timezone)

Step 3: Check anonymity on:

Step 4: After the anonymity check completed, check for live status on

Step 5: Create G mail or outlook account with cc holder details 

"In addition, if you bought something on the Internet, and wonder when it will be delivered to your hand, then you can input the tracking number on the site TrackRu to find out where the package is." to find out where the package is." 

Step 6: Go to and cart 2 to 3 different cards psn + iTunes + steam or any other combo, but keep it separate and under $100 for the first order

Step 7: Then checkout(NOTE: don't checkout as a guest). Could you create an account with them?

Fill in billing details correctly and checkout.


  1. 492182 
  2. 465942 
  3. 465901

"Thank you" is what you should get, And digital cards are sent within 10 mins through email. If cc is still live, hit it again and enjoy your gift cards.



    ��What is carding? We all know carding to be credit card fraud. But there is more to it. Most carders here do not explore those depths. Welcome to the real world of Identity theft where you come to understand the very origins of carding and Grandpa Money making schemes through Identity theft. ��

    Bernard portal will give you all this opportunity so that you do not depend on only carding to make money but the hustler’s creed. Bernard portal I will share all my personal tutorials for free and other findings I make. Join us in the journey of discovering more tutorials on how to make money and other crazy freebies from pro carders all over the world.

    In premium you will learn:
    1️⃣Identity theft in general
    -Advanced ID theft
    -Tax Refund
    -Bank Transfer
    -Advanced Carding
    -Social Engineering for in-store carding
    -CPN (Credit Privacy Numbers)
    2️⃣Advanced Photoshop editing
    3️⃣All web development technologies (html, css, js, php, sql)
    4️⃣Beginner Python Language
    6️⃣Advanced Phishing
    7️⃣The Deep web

    Message Bernard portal on WhatsApp now and become a Pro Carder.

    SUBSCIPTION FEE: $30 only

    +233 20 527 9290
    +233 20 527 9290
    +233 20 527 9290
    +233 20 527 9290

  2. • The website offers a CPN number that can be used for business purposes.
    • CPN numbers are not social security numbers and cannot be used for illegal purposes.
    • The website provides a 24-hour guarantee for CPN numbers. CPN credit privacy number

  3. The website provides instructions on how to use the CPN number to apply for credit.
    •The website offers a variety of packages with different features and prices for CPN numbers.
    •The website states that using a CPN number may not guarantee approval for credit applications.
    CPN works
